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MiCDI is developing various projects to better understand the unique issues concerning Muslims in Canada, through data.

This page will be updated to reflect additional projects, once they are announced.

Study of Muslims in Canada (SMiC)


The first project, the Study of Muslims in Canada (SMiC) will implement a new and expanded survey, as well as create an extended research program that examines varying dimensions of the lives of Muslims in Canada based on survey and census data.  In 2021, StatCan included a question on religious identity, making it possible to disaggregate Muslims from the entire census sample, which we anticipate will be available to our research team in early 2023. Drawing on that data to create a sampling model, the MiCDI team will, with its research partner institution(s), will implement the survey in early 2023 to create the most up-to-date analysis of Muslims in Canada.  



  • 2022: Consult on survey content and survey design based on community priorities

  • 2023-Q1Q2: Develop sample design in light of StatsCan2021 census raw data, administer survey in the field

  • 2023-Q3Q4: Analyze data sets, prepare reports, solicit feedback

  • 2024: Launch of formal publications and informational webinars

Research Partner:


Government Partner:


Community Partners:

The Muslims in Canada Data Initiative (MiCDI) is hosted and run by the Institute of Islamic Studies at the University of Toronto.

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170 St. George Street, Suite 530, Toronto, ON  M5R 2M8

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